Our members include...
Casa Tomara Ltd Chicco UK East Coast Nursery Ltd Eurofin MTS Consumer Product Testing Dorel UK Silver Cross UK Ltd BabyStyle UK Ltd Apramo UK Ltd Hippychick Ltd Angelcare Corporate UK Ltd Cosatto Ltd 2012 Ltd Gaia Baby Britax Römer Europe Mayborn Group Prestige Sleep Cheeky Rascals Ltd BubbleBum (UK) Ltd SGS United Kingdom Ltd My Carry Potty ebebek UK Retail Services Ltd SHNUGGLE LTD Roma CuddleCo Baby Jogger David Lowe & Co Ltd Nuby UK FIRA International Ltd Columbus Trading Partners Mamas and Papas Ltd Kaleidoscope Communications Amazon UK Jigsaw Brand Consultancy Ltd Eve Sleep PLC BRITISH BABY BOX Thule Turner Bianca PLC

Kind und Jugend

Kind und Jugend

17th to 20th September 2020
Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany


Booking Form for the 2020 Kind und Jugend show

You must be a fully-paid member to participate in the UK Pavilion

All fields marked with a * must be completed.

(state EXACTLY how you want it to appear on stand nameboard)
You must be a fully-paid member to participate in the UK Pavilion
  W m   x   D m
Important Terms & conditions
  • You must be a member of the Baby Products Association to participate in the UK Pavilion.
  • Return of your signed Baby Products Association booking form confirms your intent to exhibit and is binding. Once you have scanned and returned your form you will be contacted in date order received and be offered a stand based on your requirement. First priority will be given to exhibitors who wish to rebook their stand again.
  • Stand Payment: you will be invoiced in FULL for the stand space requested, together with the mandatory MEDIA CHARGE (including the 25% discount that the Association has determined with Koelnmesse). This will be invoiced after 1st July 2020 and payment will fully secure your stand position. Failure to make this payment, or contact the Association to discuss special payment terms could mean that your reserved space is reallocated.
  • Once your space has been confirmed you will be required to complete the Koelnmesse registration forms that will be sent to you with instructions on how to do this.
  • All stands booked will be invoiced in Sterling.
  • All invoices must be paid in full no later than six weeks before the first day of the show.
  • A 100% cancellation fee will incur for any stand cancellations received after 1st July 2020.
  • Exhibitors must clearly mark the display name that they require on all branding. The Baby Products Association and Koelnmesse cannot be responsible for errors in forms submitted.
Harrogate International Nursery Fair
Department for International Trade